Utregning av fall (link) Nyttig redskap for å regne ut fall!
Awesome portofolios!
Award winning portfolios done by architect students:
Why is Modern Art so Bad?
Here´s a very good explaination by renowned artist Robert Florczak why modern art are so ugly and bad!!
The Computer vs The Hand In Architectural Drawing: ArchDaily Readers Respond
Hvordan lage en eng
En interessant artikkel om hvordan man går fram for å lage eng i urbant miljø.
Dokumentar: Oslo - Den nye byen
En spennende dokumentar om byutviklingen i Oslo, anbefales å sees!
Creative Ways To Make Electrical Wirings Less Messy And More Classy
No more wired mess!
Amazing ancient technique to make wood buildings
For thousands of years the Japanese has been making buildings without using nails and metals to join the wooden construction. Those...
Happy New Year!
I had a great time staying in Etne in the western part of Norway during Christmas. Staying with good friends, eating delicious food and...