Tying the "Ghost Fly" #2 in hand
The Ghost Flies are very complex flies, especially the second unknown pattern, that features quite a lot of materials. This tutorial will guide you through all the stages of the many body segments that make this pattern unique from other unknowns.
ハンドタイイング第2「ゴーストフライ」 "抱き合わせ
Section 1:
Section 2:
Section 3:
Section 4:
Section 5
Section 6:
Oval silver tinsel
Topping, strands of red, yellow and powder blue Macaw, Ibis, barred Wood Duck
Puce silk, ribbed with oval silver. Butted with purple hackle and fiery brown Ostrich herl. Veiled at sides with crest of Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock
Medium green silk, ribbed oval gold. Butted with medium green hackle and dark blue Ostrich herl. Veiled at sides with cotinga amabilis
Lavendel silk, ribbed with oval silver. Butted with yellow and claret hackle and medium blue Ostrich herl. Veiled at sides with Cock-of-the-Rock body feathers
Claret silk, ribbed with gold twist. Butted with light blue and fiery brown hackle and fiery brown Ostrich herl. Veiled at sides with Cotinga cotinga
Bright red silk, ribbed with oval silver. Butted with medium green and claret hackle and fiery brown Ostrich. Veiled at sides with cock-of-the-Rock
Dark red silk ribbed with oval gold. Butted with dark red hackle and yellow Macaw
Powdered blue Macaw
Tippets under dark speckled Bustard, Golden Pheasant tail (nine strands of each), strips of yellow Swan, Bustard, grey mottled Turkey with black bars and white tip, topping over all
Double scarlet macaw
Fiery Brown Ostrich
The Original Ghost fly, origin is unknown
Photos: Michael Johnson
The hook should be rather deep. Here I selected a hook forged by a friend, which has a shape that remind of antique hooks.
The correct size of this fly is 8/0
Cut a piece of silk gut that will run the full length of the fly. The diameter of the gut should not be too thin.
Let the silk gut soak in water for 10-20 minutes, so it gets soft and easy to bend. Don't let it it soak too long, or the strands will unravel.
For attaching the silk gut, I use waxed Naples silk, which is thicker and stronger than Gossamer silk. When tying the fly, I normally use Pearsall´s Gossamer silk. Take small pieces of silk (50-60 cm) and wax them well. When the silk has been used up, make new piece and just attach them to the hook.
Attach the silk to the hook like this, so the silk gut can be tied on
The gut should be tapered at the waste end by cutting the end little by little. That makes a well tapered body and a strong gut eye
After the gut has been attached, use Pearsall´s Gossamer silk as tying silk. Apply good amount of wax
Tie in a new piece of tying silk, then wrap back to the point where the tip will be tied in
Tie on a very short tag by using fine oval silver tinsel. The tail should be very low. Secure the tie in point of the tail with a tiny drop of varnish
細い楕円形のティンセルを使用することにより、非常に短いタグを作ります。テールはは非 常に低くすべきです。接着材を尾のポイント部分に塗布し固定します
Prepare pieces of feathers to the tail veiling. The tail contains of scarlet Ibis, powered blue Macaw, yellow Macaw and Wood Duck
Put the slips on top of each other. The fibers should point "down" when putting it on the hook
Tie the bunch of fibers down, and secure well with tight turnings. Make sure to use a well waxed tying silk!
Prepare a black Ostrich herl and cut off the waste end of the tail veiling
Tie the butt as normal to cover the waste end of tail materials. Make sure it is not too big
For ribbing, I use size 16 Veniard oval silver tinsel and oval gold tinsel
リブに、私はサイズ16 Veniard楕円形の銀 見掛け倒しと楕円形のゴールドティンセルを使用します。
For the first body section it should be purple silk. I use Pearsall silk, as it gives a nice shine and look for an old and rough looking fly
Make sure the first section is only 1 part of 6 parts of the body, not forgetting the hackle and Ostrich herl, in addition to the throat hackle
There should be 2 visible turning of ribbing for every body section
Wrap a short purple hackle. It should be the same color as the body section
After the hackle, make a butt of fiery brown Ostrich
For the veiling, it should be the crest feathers of the Guianan cock-of-the-Rock, with dark orange bars and white tips
ベール、それはcrest feathersであるべきGuiananコック·オブ·ロック、濃いオレンジ色のバーや白の羽
The veiling should be tied over the Ostrich butt, slightly pointing down
ベールは少し下 向きにセットします、ダチョウのbutt,の上に取り付けする必要があります
Tie the second body section with medium green silk and gold oval tinsel in same manner
Wrap medium green hackle for second section. It should be close to the color of the floss silk.
Use same method of attaching the veiling of light blue chatter (Cotinga cayana) after the butt has been tied. The butt should be dark blue ostrich.
The third section consist of lavendel floss silk, yellow and claret cock hackel, medium blue ostrich butt and veiling of cock of the rock. According to the original fly, the cock of the rock feathers are pointed upwards instead of downwards.
The fourth section. Claret silk for body section, oval gold tinsel for rib, light blue and fiery brown for hackle. Butt of fiery brown ostrich, covered with dark blue chatterer (Cotinga cotinga) veilings on either side
The fifth section. Light red silk, ribbed with oval silver tinsel. Hackle green and claret, butt fiery brown ostrich. For veiling there should be orange Cock of the Rock
The last and sixth section is dark red silk, ribbed with oval gold tinsel. Make sure there are room for front hackle and head as well!
The fronthackle should be dark red Cock hackle, yellow Macaw and powdered blue Macaw